Sunday, August 2, 2009

...and then my puppy ate my iphone

So I drove to visit my parents in NY this past weekend for a double photoshoot and a party in Connecticut. I drove there Friday afternoon (big mistake), stopped in Manhattan to pick up Claire, and got to the house around 1 am. The next morning, I had to be up at 7 am to get ready because Greg Sleter from the West Islip Tribune was coming by to take some family shots with my crown while I was home.

After that little photo op, my mom, dad, uncle bob, claire and I all went down to Winters Brothers Garbage and Recycling company to do some fabulous shots with a green evening gown and some sweet garbage trucks for my "Let's Talk Trash" platform. Let me just tell you, that Claire Buffie is one talented girl. I'm pretty sure this was her first photoshoot dealing with evening gowns and garbage trucks, but you would have never known. That girl was directing the garbage trucks and hanging off a ladder trying to get the best shot. We love her.

We then came back and ate three slices of the best pizza around--> Albert's This was my parents favorite pizza growing up too. Nothing beats a good Long Island pizza.

Then it was onto photoshoot number too. Claire ghetto-rigged a backdrop in my parents bathroom and we got to work. I knew when it was a good picture because Claire would yell out "yessssssss!!!!" every time. I can't wait to see these shots!

I ran up to Connecticut to visit my friends Alyssa and Mike for their housewarming party. So much fun and their apartment is so sweet. I can't wait to move into my new apartment and decorate it. I must have been day dreaming about that when I got in my car to drive the 2 hours back to Long Island because instead of putting in my parents address, I somehow put in my DC address and hit the road. It wasn't until I was on the George Washington Bridge that I realized what I had done. I got off somewhere in the ghetto of the Bronx where the first thing I saw was a very large man carrying a very large snake next to my car. My GPS, of course, lost signal all of a sudden and I was just aimlessly wandering around trying to get back onto a main road. I eventually made it home about 2 hours later. ugh.

Then today I was sitting nicely on the couch helping my sister when my mom started screaming and dove at our 7 month old golden retriever. He had somehow gotten a hold of my iphone and had broken the glass into very small sharp pieces. After I cried a little, we rushed over to the apple store and got me a new one! I can't live without my iphone! Let's just hope I backed it up recently.... eek!

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